Saturday 29 September 2012

Walking 16 months.

And we have liftoff. As I thought for a while, this kid is going to just up & be off. He is sure of his balance & what he does. I mean this kid has been jumping on the bed unassisted for more than two months!

We went across the road to say hi at training. He must see his 'aunty' Trish or he gets a bit cranky. This day she squatted down to say g'day, & he stood and walked 10 solid steps to her.
Then he just kept walking & walking.

It's cute to watch him mosey around the house with his toys. It's not that he's into more mischief, not at all. He's just enjoying being upright. He's been climbing since he could crawl so he's been a goer since the start.

Hard to believe 1 year ago I had my eyes lasered. Gosh that was the best thing I ever did. Here I am packing for another southern trip. It's nice to have an adventure.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Weeks up to 33, Nearly 8 months

Just tonight I was thinking gosh I have been slack! Christmas has been and gone, Gabe's first. He had fun.

Tonight shower was fun. All in (enough shower heads for all) I decided to try the collapsable baby bath again. Well after Gabe was soaped and showered up, in he went on the floor of the shower in his cute little bath. Him and his closest 6 bath toys. Why, well I needed to try new tactics to keep a rolling wriggling baby a bit more occupied while I got my shower in. What can I say, it worked! He had a blast sitting there splashing and playing & I got my shower in.

Yup our little smiley man is nearly 8 months old. Where has the time gone? Oh yeah, feeding, playing, changing, bathing said little smiley man.

Now he's been into his food. Yup he loves his food. He spends a lot of time eating himself, I give him some cucumbers, tomato, carrot sticks. It was amazing to watch his hand / eye coordination as he tried his hardest to grab at the sticks. Now, he's a pro! Roast chicken bits, rissoles, anything he can grab and suck and gum. Yep gum, no teeth yet. After he's had a play he usually happy for a few mouthfuls of baby food. But its all quickly down hill from there as he is soon ready for bed again.

Om Nom Nom... he has yet to learn the benefits of swallowing.

Month 7-8 Here we go!

Well finally we can say since Christmas, we have a commando crawler. He tried hard, doesn't go far. Something that he is certainly rectifying lol.

Now Gabe is exploring beyond the decorator mat on the floor. So far the coffee table has been a place of interest.

Then there was the bath mat, once great at staying rolled up in his towels while I finished my shower. Hmmm not so now as he wants to be right over the drain watching and playing with the water as it drains away. SO there must be something I could do... Right out came the collapsable bath, now he is happily playing in his little tub with a turtle, dolphin and crab for playmates while I have free time. It works for now :)

I'm free!.....

Now with all the wiggling comes busters. Yup headbanging, lip busting, good old accidents. We have started having our fair share here. Meet his first boo boo. Head contact with bedside table. Nothing a bit of mummy cuddles couldn't fix.

This month also saw his first fever thanks to a nasty virus. He was a little trooper, happy throughout. But geez kid mummy didn't like the temps of 39 & 40 degrees!  We even loved the post viral rash which left him a bit spotty for a couple of days.

Not sunburn...

Right now mister irresistable is sleeping before his dinner. Can't believe he is 8 months old now, where does time go?

Mr Happy :)

Sunday 16 October 2011

Week 16

Week 19

Week 22

Well we are certainly making sounds, lots of sounds, all sounding like raspberries!

Happy, sad, cranky, it all involves his raspberries.

Gabe confidently pulls out his dummy and pops it back in, he thinks he's so clever.

We also had our first swim in the pool this week. It was rather windy, but Gabe was wearing his rashie, cute little speedo's and obligatory pool sun hat. He thought the whole event was rather fun.

He's been sleeping well both day and night. Loving those long nights. It's getting warmer though, so we've had the air con on at least once with the humidity and northerly winds not getting into the bedroom.

Sunday -
Well I rearranged the furniture in the living room a little so Gabe had a bigger play area on the mat. Cheekily he decided to have another go at rolling from his tummy to his back. He had the biggest grin on his face when he looked at me.

Week 21

Raspberries please. These have made their arrival with lots of dribbly practice. He is slowly changing his repirtoire of sounds and getting louder.